
Arjun Chakraborty

Zināšanu jomas: Astroloģija

Experience – Working with Vedic Astrology since 1994 October (consultation, teaching and lectures). Currently appointed as Head of Astrological Department in Grahamitra Gems (in Kolkata) and Principal (Joint) of institution ‘Institute of Astrological Science’ in Kolkata.

International Experience – Travelling in Europe since 2007 March giving consultations, courses and lectures. Has made 14 foreign trips including one to Egypt. Has practiced in Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Russia, Belarus and Egypt. He is in contact with European scholars since 2000.

Lectured on Vedic Astrology in 3 universities of Europe – Gothenburg University, Lund University (both in Sweden) and twice in Vilnius University (in Lithuania).

Lectured and has been honoured in Annual Congress of DAV (German Astrologers’ Association) in Bonn, Germany in 2009.

International Publication – Has written several predictive articles on top golfers in international magazine ‘Swingtime Mauritius’ published from Port Louis, Mauritius. His interview has been published in magazine ‘Raktas’ and newspaper ‘Kauno Diena’ both coming out from Lithuania.

Astrological Titles (includes academic and honourary) – Jyotish Saraswati, Jyotish Samrat, Jyotish Shiromani, Jyotish Mahacharya, Jyotish Nakshatra Shastri (for constellational or KP astrology), Prashna Ratna (for horary or query astrology), Jyotish Purushottam and several others. These titles have been given by institutes like Institute of Astrological Science, Hatibagan Tol (old traditional school of Vedic subjects), Astrological Research Project and College of Jyotirvidya. 

As my astrological bio-date suggests, I have plenty of experience working both in Europe and in India advising people how to improve their professional, personal and spiritual lives through ancient Vedic knowledge of Vedic Astrology often called ‘Jyotish’. My specializations include :

  • Birth horoscope consultation
  • Question Horoscope (Prashna) consultation
  • Matching of horoscopes for marriage or similar partnership
  • Birth time rectification
  • Suggestion of astrological remedies for strengthening positive indications and suppressing negative ones
  • Giving courses on Vedic Astrology (normally I give three courses 32 hours each)
  • Giving 1 day (few hours) seminar on any specific side of Vedic Astrology
  • Delivering informative lectures on various academic, material and spiritual aspects of Vedic Astrology

I give 1 hour consultations during which one can ask about more than one person also.

Birth Time Rectification requires some more time and they are charged separately.

Remedial suggestions include minerals, metals, mantras, yantra etc (Using or not using them definitely depends on the person).

In my lectures in various spiritual organizations or clubs normally I speak for 1 hour and after that we have a question and answer session when listeners can ask questions which I answer. 

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